【英文單字】多益、雅思、托福 關於情緒英文單字百科大全、最新英文詞彙
情緒–喜 怒 哀 樂 愛 惡 慾
- like enjoy 喜歡, 享受
- happy joyful delighted 快樂的 overjoy 欣喜若狂
- glad gratifying 高興的, 使高興的
- satisfied 滿足的
- excited 興奮的
- exulted , rapture 狂喜
- thrilled 興奮的
- hit it off. 有默契, 很合
- on cloud nine. over the moon 心情愉快
- walking on air. 開心
- flit around 滿場飛
- chuckle , giggle , guffaw 喀喀地笑
- chortle 哈哈大笑, 喀喀笑
- roll(roar) with laughter 哄堂大笑, 笑不可抑
- smirk at, snicker,, siggle , mocking laught 竊笑, 偷笑
- tickle sb’s funny bone (使)某人發笑
- laugh is the best medicine. 笑是最好的良方
- laughter is good for your health. 笑聲對你健康有益
- be feted by 被褒獎
- its lauded 為人讚頌
- as a compliment 視為讚美
- earn the adulation 贏得稱讚
- so much praise 那麼多的讚譽
- lavishing praise on…拼命讚美
- be extolled as hero 被讚揚如英雄
- be exalted by 被… 稱讚
- got rabbit foot in pocket 運氣真好
- a stroke of luck. 幸運突然降臨
- all’s well that ends well. 皆大歡喜
- living a charmed life , 吉人天相 kilter 很順利
- fill your spot. 令你滿意
- drop-dead gorgeous 棒極了
- touche 說的好,一針見血
- be angry , be peevish , be cranky , disgruntled 生氣
- be mad at , be snap at , be burned up 生氣
- has a quick temper. 很容易生氣
- irritate , antagonize 惹怒 disgrutle 使不高興
- go berserk , off the deep end. 勃然大怒, 大發雷霆
- have (pitch) a fit. raise sb’s hackles 勃然大怒
- blew a fuse , raise(hit) the roof 勃然大怒
- in a fit of anger 勃然大怒 contain it. 忍住了.
- furious , flash (lash) out 氣憤, 發怒
- roll his eyes skywards 翻白眼
- rage 怒氣 road rage 路怒氣
- drives me nuts (crazy) 把我逼瘋了
- piss me up 惹毛(怒)我了
- freak out , flip out 大發脾氣
- a grouch. 鬧脾氣.
- lash out at sb. 對某人發脾氣.
- temperamental 喜怒無常的.難控制的.
- flip (out) 抓狂, 嚇呆了
- be burned up at him. 很氣他
- push someone’s buttons. 惹火對方
- annoy 惹毛
- provoke his wrath 激起他的怒氣
- conciliate his outrage 安撫(息怒)他的怒氣
- comparisons are odious. 人比人,氣死人
- reconcile two people 使兩人合好
- reconciliation 和解,和好
- look sulky , morose look 看起來生氣的, 臉陰沉的
- detest 討厭
- hate 仇恨
- loath , dislike 討厭
- detest 痛恨, 厭惡
- aroused the indignation 引發憤憤不平
- you’ve got some nerve. 你臉皮真厚.
- have the effrontery. 真是厚顏無恥
- play hard to get 擺高姿態
- grouchy 愛抱怨的, 滿腹牢騷
- That’slow. 小氣 it’s a rip-off. 敲竹槓
- as a rule of thumb 不成文的規定
- uncertainly and upheaval 動盪與不安
- gnaw at me 啃噬我,心神不寧
- ask nonplussed 愕然困惑地問
- be flabbergasted 大吃一驚
- in some perplexity 有些困惑,茫然不知
- in astonishment 驚愕地
- be so antsy 坐立不安
- been apprehensive, perturbatious, trepidation 不安
- helter-skelter , tizzy 心慌意亂
- on pins and needles 如坐針氈
- I’m a bundle of nerves 我緊張的要命
- he’s shaken up , scare …the daylight of him.他被嚇壞了
- This is a real drag 嚇壞了
- creep out 嚇壞
- be appalled 嚇壞
- getting spooked 被嚇到
- be dumb-founded 目噔口呆
- gave me the willies 心裡發毛
- gave me the creeps 心裡發毛
- gave me the heebie-jeebie 心裡發毛
- flounder , dithering 慌張失措
- a little brash, in a snit 心急,焦急
- keep her socks up 耐心等待
- full of bull(shit). 鬼扯
- poppycock, kibosh 胡說
- come down on someone hard. 責罵(備).批評
- rag on someone. chew me out 責怪,責罵
- call distraughtly 憂心忡忡地叫
- boisterous 暄鬧的
- run amok 大鬧
- made such a racket 大吵大鬧
- vociferous , obstreperous 喧鬧(嚣)的
- big or small clamoring to 爭相吵著要
- rumpus 喧鬧, 爭吵
- the tumult , the uproar 吵鬧, 喧嘩
- cause a commotion 造成騷動
- such a din(racket) 太吵嘈了
- by the hubbub 被吵鬧聲
- tiff , spat 小爭執, 拌嘴
- strife 衝突, 爭鬥
- quarrel with 與…爭吵
- wrangle with 爭論, 爭吵
- wrangle over 爭論
- stop bickering 停止爭吵
- altercate over 爭吵…某事
- full-blown altercations 全面的口角
- don’t hollar at me 別對我吼
- ramble on about , chatter on and on , prattle 對…喋喋不休
- gibber, jabber 說話快而含糊
- brawl , fracas , broil 大聲吵架
- contentious 愛爭論的
- falling-out , discord , dissension 爭吵, 不和
- a few row 有些口角, 吵鬧
- be squabbling about 爭吵
- quibble with(人) over price 爭吵,挑剔價格
- general vitriol 廣泛的尖酸言論
- chastised , flagellate, excoriate 責罰,鞕打
- snub someone , reprimand 嚴厲斥責
- lambaste 嚴厲批評,痛斥
- vituperations at him 辱罵他
- rant ,berate , assail 大聲責駡
- come down on someone hard 責備,批評
- rag on someone 責怪,責駡
- diatribe 惡駡,誹謗, 痛斥
- fulminate 大聲痛斥
- rave 狂駡, 激烈地說
- jump down sb’s throat 嚴厲責罵某人
- rump all over me 大聲責駡
- animadvert 批評,非難, 責備
- admonish , reprove 責備
- denigrate 詆毀
- deplore 譴責,強烈反對
- invective 惡言謾駡
- hurl(throw) abuse of 猛力批評
- be barraged 猛烈砲轟
- international censure 國際社會的譴責
- rally 挖苦,嘲弄,開玩笑
- scarify 嚴厲批評
- canarol 謠言, 惡意報導(虚構)
- exegesis 批判評註
- animadversion 敵意的批評
- insolent 侮辱人的
- maledition 咒罵, 可惡
- thersitical 惡言漫駡
- get some flack 被駡
- rail 責罵,抱怨
- chide , decry , scold , stick and stone 責備,責怪
- be impugned 攻擊, 責難
- tirade 巨砲批評,長篇大論批評
- reprobate 責備
- rebuck , condemn 譴責,非難
- denounce , reprehensible 譴責,應受讉責的
- obloquy 破口大罵, 汙辱
- calumny, defanation 誹謗, 誣衊
- vilification , vilify誹謗
- traduce, aspersion 誹謗
- disparage, disparagement, 誹謗貶低,輕蔑
- slur , dissed berate 毀謗
- fling mud at sb 誹謗
- disparaging remarks 誹謗的評論
- dismiss those 不屑, 嗤之以鼻
- may deride it 或許嘲弄它
- disdain, comtempt , pejorative, an affront 輕蔑, 鄙視
- be dissing 侮辱,看不起
- be left out of ,exclusive, be downtrodden 被冷落, 排擠
- ve been snubbed 被冷漠, 怠慢
- scorn , scoff, sneer at , mock 嘲笑, 輕蔑
- jibe, jeer 嘲笑, 愚弄
- don’t beat yourself up. 別太自責.
- really rankle 使痛苦, 耿耿於懷
- be a lament to 哀痛, 哀悼
- be grief-stricken 沉痛不已
- be overcome with grief 悲傷不已
- fill with mourning 充滿悲傷
- distraugh family 傷心欲絕的家庭
- gut-wrenching 痛心裂肺
- heart-rending 痛心裂肺
- belieaguered 苦惱的
- fret not , don’t fret 別苦惱
- felt distressed 感到苦惱
- be smitten with remorse 受悔恨的折磨
- pathos 悲傷, 哀愁 plaintive 悲傷的
- despondant 沮喪
- mawkish, mushy 過度傷感的
- why are you gloom , glum 悶悶不樂
- why are you moping 悶悶不樂
- in a somber mood, in a foul mood 悶悶不樂
- doom and gloom 悲觀絕望
- insatial demand 無滿足的需求
- got mushy 多愁善感
- up to no good 惹事生非
- pluck his courage 鼓起勇氣
- plucky 大膽的
- be unscrupulous enough. 膽子夠大,肆無忌憚
- I’ve gone with my gut 跟著直覺走
- I’ll mull it over. 我會好好考慮
- we’ve pondered. 我們已仔細考慮
- contemplate V.考慮, 沉思
- cool beans 太棒了
- far out! hip, hip, hooray 好極了
- whiz-bang 精采, 節奏緊湊
- it’s so badass 好厲害的
- hubba hubba 好棒,讚哦
- is so craved 渴望的
- so sought-after 被尋找的
- much-anticipated 備受期待
- grow tickled 心所盼望
- getting their kicks 正中下懷
- be gravitated 受…吸引
- something riveting 一些有趣的
- nondescript 普通的.無趣的
- humdrum life 無趣的生活
- blase’没興趣
- ennui 無聊,厭倦
- imperturbability 缺乏熱情,, 冷靜
- cliche , corny 老套,陳腔濫調
- scammer , fraudster ,trickster, tricker 騙子
- charlatan, hustler , humbug, crook 騙子
- swindler quack , grifter , gouger , chiseler騙子
- two-tongued man , welsher 騙子
- mountebank 江湖騙子
- impostor , rip-off(s) , humbug 冒牌者
- racketeer 詐騙者
- hypocrite 僞君子
- forger 僞造者,
- fast talker 巧言者
- a great spoofer 愛說笑的人
- Spanish athlete, braggart, braggadocio 吹牛大王vaunt 吹噓
- all sorts of shenamigas 任何技倆
- Machiavelli 詭計多端的
- feign, profess, dissemble 假裝
- dissimulate 掩飾真相
- spurious 假造的
- completely bogus , 假的
- bona fide 真實的,不虛假的
- It’s hocus pocus 假的.騙人的
- swashbuckling 虛張聲勢的
- vaunt 誇張, 吹噓
- fallacious 騙人的. 謬論
- shifty 機智,詭詐的
- with falsehood , mendacity 謊言,謬誤
- grift 詐騙
- fraud , bilk 欺騙(行為), 騙局
- cheat, defraud, gyp 欺騙
- fleece us 詐欺,剝削
- a scam , hoax 詐騙
- a trick of light 小小的騙局
- use fraudulent means 用欺騙的手段
- pull a fast one on someone 欺騙某人
- spoof , bam 欺騙,愚弄
- deception 騙人
- chicannery 欺騙,詭辯之詞
- prevaricate 搪塞, 撒謊
- hoodwinked 欺騙
- make you fib 令你扯小謊
- bamboozle a bunch 欺騙, 哄騙
- juggery-pokery , shenanigan 騙局
- hanky-panky 陰謀詭計,無聊言行
- cock-and-bull story , whopper 暪天大謊
- fish story 誇而不實的故事, 大話
- falls, hook, line 中計
- and sinker for hoax 深入騙局
- shell game, snow game 騙局
- mendacious 欺騙,虛假的
- cajolery 哄騙
- inveigle 騙取
- poppycock 胡說八道
- balderdash , 胡言亂語
- bedeceived, dupe 上當,受騙
- feed someone a line. 唬弄某人
- swindle someone out of something. 騙取某人某物
- beguiled of her money 她的錢被騙走了.
- be coned and duped 受騙,上當
- I’ve been tricked 我上當了
- i was setup 我被陷害了.
- i’ve been framed 我被陷害了.
- be gullible, swizz , crudulous 容易受騙,
- be an easy mark 容易的對象
- I wasn’t born yesterday. 我又不是3歲小孩.容易上當.
- phishing 網路釣魚騙取個資
- fake check scam 假支票詐財
- lottery scam 中獎詐騙術
- pyramid scheme 老鼠會
- text-message scam 簡訊詐騙
- fraudulent e-mail 詐騙電子郵件
- hustling in a gamble 詐賭,出老千
- have qualms about 對…有疑慮
- suspect his honesty懷疑他的誠信
- take sth with a grain of salt 對..保留態度,半信半疑
- guandary 懷疑, 困惑
- color me dubious 算我多疑
- implicitly 無存疑地
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