




奧林匹克運動會(Olympic Games)起源於古希臘,最早的記載可以追溯到公元前776年。在古代,奧運會是為了紀念希臘神祇宙斯而舉行的宗教儀式,並且在奧林匹亞舉行,這也是「奧林匹克」這個名稱的由來。古代奧運會每四年舉行一次,參賽者都是來自希臘各城邦的男性運動員,競技項目包括賽跑、摔跤、拳擊和五項全能等。比賽期間,城邦之間會暫停戰爭,確保參賽者的安全。

現代奧運會則是在1896年由法國人皮埃爾·顧拜旦(Pierre de Coubertin)復興的,他希望藉由體育競技促進世界和平和國際友誼。首屆現代奧運會在雅典舉行,自此之後,每四年舉行一次,吸引了來自世界各地的運動員參賽。現代奧運會分為夏季奧運會和冬季奧運會,分別舉行不同的運動項目,並且兩者交替舉行,使得每兩年就有一次奧運會盛事。

奧運的傳統 (Olympic Traditions)

點燃奧運聖火 (Lighting the Olympic Flame) 奧運聖火在希臘奧林匹亞點燃,經過聖火傳遞抵達主辦城市的主體育場,象徵和平、友誼和光明。

The Olympic Flame is lit in Olympia, Greece, and relayed to the host city’s main stadium, symbolizing peace, friendship, and enlightenment.

奧運五環旗 (Olympic Rings Flag) 五環旗由五個環組成,代表五大洲,象徵全球運動員的團結與友誼。環的顏色包括了當時所有國家的國旗顏色。

The Olympic Rings Flag consists of five interlocking rings representing the five continents, symbolizing unity and friendship among athletes worldwide. The colors of the rings include those of all national flags at that time.

運動員宣誓 (Athletes’ Oath) 在開幕式上,運動員代表宣誓以公平競技和尊重對手的態度參賽,裁判和教練也會宣誓保證比賽的公正。

During the opening ceremony, an athlete representative swears to compete fairly and with respect for opponents, while judges and coaches also take oaths to ensure fair play.

頒獎典禮 (Medal Ceremonies) 獲勝運動員登上領獎台接受金、銀、銅牌,升起國旗並奏國歌,彰顯運動員的成就和國家的榮耀。

Winning athletes step onto the podium to receive gold, silver, and bronze medals, with their national flags raised and anthems played, highlighting their achievements and national pride.


夏季奧運會 (Summer Olympic Games)

  • 田徑 (Athletics)
  • 游泳 (Swimming)
  • 體操 (Gymnastics)
  • 籃球 (Basketball)
  • 足球 (Football/Soccer)
  • 排球 (Volleyball)
  • 網球 (Tennis)
  • 射箭 (Archery)
  • 拳擊 (Boxing)
  • 馬術 (Equestrian)
  • 劍擊 (Fencing)
  • 高爾夫 (Golf)
  • 體操 (Gymnastics)
  • 手球 (Handball)
  • 柔道 (Judo)
  • 賽艇 (Rowing)
  • 帆船 (Sailing)
  • 射擊 (Shooting)
  • 乒乓球 (Table Tennis)
  • 跆拳道 (Taekwondo)
  • 三項全能 (Triathlon)
  • 舉重 (Weightlifting)
  • 摔跤 (Wrestling)

冬季奧運會Winter Olympic Games

  • 滑雪 (Skiing)
  • 滑冰 (Skating)
  • 冰球 (Ice Hockey)
  • 雪車 (Bobsleigh)
  • 雪橇 (Luge)
  • 冰壺 (Curling)
  • 北歐兩項 (Nordic Combined)
  • 跳台滑雪 (Ski Jumping)
  • 單板滑雪 (Snowboarding)
  • 自由式滑雪 (Freestyle Skiing)
  • 速滑 (Speed Skating)
  • 短道速滑 (Short Track Speed Skating)
  • 越野滑雪 (Cross-Country Skiing)
  • 現代冬季五項 (Biathlon)

奧運頒獎典禮的環節 (Olympic Medal Ceremony Elements)

頒獎台 (Podium) 頒獎台有三個不同高度的平台,分別是金牌、銀牌和銅牌得主站立的位置。金牌得主站在中間最高的平台,銀牌得主站在右側稍低的平台,銅牌得主站在左側最低的平台。

The podium consists of three platforms of different heights for the gold, silver, and bronze medalists. The gold medalist stands in the center on the highest platform, the silver medalist stands to the right on a slightly lower platform, and the bronze medalist stands to the left on the lowest platform.

授予獎牌 (Medal Presentation) 國際奧委會或奧運會組織委員會的官員會將金、銀、銅牌頒發給獲勝的運動員,獎牌通常掛在運動員的脖子上。

Officials from the International Olympic Committee or the organizing committee present the gold, silver, and bronze medals to the winning athletes, usually placing the medals around their necks.

升國旗 (Raising of the National Flags) 隨著金、銀、銅牌得主登上頒獎台,他們國家的國旗會隨之升起。金牌得主的國旗居中且最高,銀牌得主的國旗在右側稍低,銅牌得主的國旗在左側最低。

As the medalists ascend the podium, the national flags of the gold, silver, and bronze medalists are raised. The gold medalist’s flag is in the center and highest, the silver medalist’s flag is to the right and slightly lower, and the bronze medalist’s flag is to the left and the lowest.

奏國歌 (National Anthem) 在頒獎儀式中,會奏響金牌得主國家的國歌。運動員和觀眾通常會面向國旗,表示尊重和榮譽。

During the medal ceremony, the national anthem of the gold medalist’s country is played. Athletes and spectators usually face the flags, showing respect and honor.

鮮花和紀念品 (Flowers and Souvenirs) 除了獎牌外,運動員有時還會收到鮮花或紀念品,這些物品由組織者準備,以表彰運動員的成就。

In addition to the medals, athletes sometimes receive flowers or souvenirs, which are prepared by the organizers to honor the athletes’ achievements.

奧運諺語 (Olympic Mottos and Sayings)

更快、更高、更強 (Citius, Altius, Fortius) 這是奧林匹克運動會的官方格言,拉丁語的意思是「更快、更高、更強」。這句話體現了奧運精神,鼓勵運動員不斷挑戰自我,追求卓越。

This is the official motto of the Olympic Games, meaning “Faster, Higher, Stronger” in Latin. It embodies the Olympic spirit, encouraging athletes to continually challenge themselves and strive for excellence.

參與比勝利更重要 (The most important thing is not to win, but to take part) 這句話強調參與的重要性,而不僅僅是勝利。這也是奧運精神的核心理念之一,鼓勵所有人積極參與並享受比賽過程。

This saying emphasizes the importance of participation over victory. It is a core principle of the Olympic spirit, encouraging everyone to actively take part and enjoy the process of competition.

奧運和平精神 (Olympic Peace) 奧運會旨在通過體育競技促進世界和平與友誼。在古代奧運會期間,希臘城邦之間會停戰,現代奧運會也提倡和平與團結。

The Olympic Games aim to promote world peace and friendship through athletic competition. During the ancient Olympics, Greek city-states would cease hostilities, and the modern Olympics also advocate for peace and unity.

重要的是奮鬥 (The important thing is the struggle) 這句話源自奧林匹克創始人皮埃爾·顧拜旦的演講,強調在比賽中的奮鬥精神和努力過程,而不僅僅是最終的結果。

This phrase comes from a speech by Pierre de Coubertin, the founder of the modern Olympics, highlighting the importance of the struggle and effort in competition rather than just the final outcome.

奧運精神 (Olympic Spirit) 奧運精神代表公平競技、友誼、互相尊重和卓越追求。這是一個指導原則,激勵運動員和參與者在比賽中展示最好的自己。

The Olympic Spirit represents fair play, friendship, mutual respect, and the pursuit of excellence. It is a guiding principle that inspires athletes and participants to show their best in competition.

